Sunday, 16 November 2014

Blissful Moments Never Lasts Long

She would often call me and ask me to come “here”. And when asked why, she would simply say, “to meet me.” And then I would go to capital for there I would be in a different realm. She had completed her board exams and had all the time in the world to spend it doing things she loved. And I was not different. But now I have nothing to do, but to sit in this empty room and look back at the times we had spent.
We would sit beside the heater till late night to warm ourselves and talk endlessly. We would talk about our school, friends and the funny moments we had at school. I would tell her about my new friends and how we would plan not to attend the extra classes. And then she would nod and add that extra classes were nerve wrecking to her as well. And then we would laugh together. Whenever she recommended a good movie to me, I would tell her I watched it and it was awful and she would roll her eyes. I would tell her how excited I was to go to college and she would say so she was.
And oh how I miss the evening walks. We would go for walk around the memorial chorten. And other times we would walk till the Dzong. Those times were too blissful and unhealthy emotions and thoughts would never invade me. I would tell her that I would miss all those moments later when I moved away for college but she would tell me not to be bothered, rather than brooding and fretting I should enjoy the present moment and live in it. She made sense.
And after having spent such moments how wouldn’t I miss her. But I am grateful to the founders of skype for because of them I get to see her even from miles away.

Dear sister, I miss all the time I spent with you. Hope to meet you soon. J   

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